Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vanilla Hair

Today is one of those days when you feel that you were actually in Swiss Alps enjoying some snow, a warm fire place and some luxurious food or at least our very own Kashmir or Darjeeling would also do. As the mercury of the city rising my endurance level is terribly falling. If at all my option of Swiss Alps doesn’t work I don’t mind a shift to some tropical place like Hawaii….man! Just the name is enough to caress my senses. It’s just the not the sunny boy that’s a bothering factor but the whole activity of surviving the day. The least proximity to Swiss Alps is double scoop of vanilla ice-cream or a freezing blow from the open door of the fridge. Unfortunately, the cream melts faster then seconds and if the fridge's door is open for too long it invites some scolding from mom. And now the most crucial point that actually employed me the idea of writing the blog is my HAIR. Why I don’t understand, does hair has their own brain? I know they think, manipulate and even make schemes. No amoun of expensive gel or shampoo can change their mood. In fact all this homely 'nuskey' irritates them more. Just today, I combed hair for like half an hour to make it look straight and manageable but as I said there’s one bunch of hair that is stubborn and they will break but become straight. I don’t know if there is a connection between feeling really hot and my hair, but deep inside my mind shouts and says yes, they do have connection. Somehow in summer, the hair becomes fluffy, just like a dogs hair after they take a forceful bath. Although, dogs when they have three to four shake and bang!! Their hair is on place which so doesn’t work with us (at all we try that, we end up looking crazy). No amount of pampering works with my hair. So, there is always a cycle of worries that tangle and detangling them means loosing little bit of piece that I have acquired by practice. Actually, I want the scientists to work their brain and invent a portable AC and also, appeal my boss to increase my salary so that I afford a portable hair dresser.


  1. Your blog always make an interesting reading. The previous write-ups were refreshing and appetizing (SLURP!)

  2. :)...food and me go hand in hand!!!

  3. oh yea...food and me go hand in hand...!!
